November 15, 2008

Antonio and Grandpa Augusto

Sorte grande e terminacao...

Wet baby, Happy baby

'Antonio, did you remember to water the plants?'

O Gafanhoto

O Antonio aconselha, venha comer ao Gafanhoto na Ericeira.
(Antonio recommends 'Gafanhoto' for a great meal in Ericeira)

Granny Gracinha and me...

... always share her glasses.



Lift my soul here...

... down by the sea.


A car for napping? How sophisticated!

Joao Franco

Antonio learns about cheesy Portuguese culture and is happy to sing along.

The pool

'I'm not sure about the pool.'

Manly bathing suits - Part II

'See? This one has turtles - and turtles are manly.'

November 14, 2008

Antonio's manly bathing suit - Part I

'I always wear manly bathing suits - they become me.'

October 30, 2008

The wheels on the bus...

As rodas do carrinho estao sempre a andar...

This is soup

What do you mean this is soup?!

Mules are for napping

'I will sleep most anywhere...'

it's cold!

... but very lovely.

Antonio and daddy mule...

... go for a walk on the beach.

Grandma Saozinha and the soup

Grandma Saozinha shows her technique.
It's a good technique!
(too bad we cannot replicate...)

Antonio and Grandpa Ze'

Are you trading countries and ideologies baby?

Join the navy...

... travel the world.

Antonio plays 'will it float'

Will it float?